Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dial 65K Gold Giveaway

Dial 65k Gold Giveaway

Dial is hosting an AWESOME Giveaway starting June 17th

The grand prize winner of the Dial 65K Gold Giveaway (open to anyone, you included) will receive $65,000 in gold! 65 second place winners will win a year’s supply of Dial Body Wash!

I will keep you guys posted as I receive more info!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I am going home!

I was born a city girl, but moved to the country when I was 8. I loved it there. We raised horses, chickens, bunnies, beagles, ducks, and even an adorable calf that never grew up! I remember helping my dad plant simple things like tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, cucumbers, squash, etc. I moved to the big city to attend college. Now that I am getting older, I am missing my early years, and the country girl lifestyle. My family and I have decided to pack up, and move back to the country this summer, come July. It might be a little late in the season, but we are anxious to use our new found knowledge to plant some yummy treats! Living in the city has prevented us from being the small time farmers we have always dreamed of, so we used our time as city folk wisely. We have studied so many books and articles on growing crops, raising milk goats, etc. I am so excited to leave the city and breathe some fresh country air! The best part is that my older sister and her family will be living on the same acreage, as well as my parents. Now my family will get to enjoy the country together! I will keep you updated on our crazy country ramblings once we are all settled into our new family of 10! Kids of all ages, 20somethings, mid thirties, and beyond all living together on one property with a zoo of animals ranging from rats, ferrets, lizards, birds, dogs, cats, fish, mice, hamsters, not to mention the new livestock/fowl we plan on adding should be a handful, and provide everyone with countless laughs from the stories I will have to share. I am so excited to be able to let my whole family participate in product testing and reviews, it should be a lot of fun!

Friday, May 3, 2013

FREE Gorton's Frozen Seafood Item Coupon Giveaway

Gorton's Frozen Seafood Item Coupon Giveaway!
This coupon doesn't expire until 02/28/14
No Price limit!
Good Luck!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sorry for the delays!

Hello everyone!

My family just recently lost a loved one, and had to make a sudden trip to Oklahoma. This has caused a delay in shipping out prizes and choosing new winners. I am shipping out all prizes today, and have chosen the winners for my other two raffles. Other raffles are in store, so be sure to keep coming back! Thank you guys for being so patient.


Monday, April 29, 2013

I am on board with No Kid Hungry!

I have joined up with Domino Sugar, C&H, Duncan Hines, and Kroger to support a great cause to help feed hungry children. I will be having a bake sale locally, all through out June. 

I will also be reaching out to several companies to donate products for a raffle on my blog. This is to help spread the word about No Kid Hungry, and to reach my donation goal of  $300!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Cute way to reuse soap scraps!

Awesome idea for reusing soap scraps!

At my house, we don't like to let anything go to waste, so we came up with a way to make new soap out of old soap. You know those annoying little slivers of soap that keep slipping out of your hand in the shower? Instead of struggling to use them until depleted, or throwing them out, store them in the fridge. Once you have enough leftovers, you can either melt it all down together and make one huge mix, or melt the colors down individually to make something a bit nicer (like the butterflies up top). I even add more fragrance and dye if needed. I am not great at making soaps, but melting used soap and pouring it into a mold is easy peasy!

What was once several small pieces of soap, is now one cute molded soap. To melt my soap scraps, I use a stainless steel double boiler. This is important, as you do not want to overheat the soap. If you do not have one, try using a small saucepan and a pyrex bowl. Boil water in the saucepan, place the bowl on top, add soap scraps, and stir the soap bits until melted. I got this idea from melting chocolate!

Thursday, April 25, 2013